Maths and literacy - time for stories! - Darwin Workshop

Looking to reconnect with teaching V9.0 Australian Curriculum: Mathematics?Register for a 45 min workshop from 3:15-4:00pm every Monday afternoon in May 2024, Darwin, NT.
For four weeks we will explore a maths topic and examine a range of classroom activities to enhance your teaching practice and build a positive mindset towards Mathematics.
Using picture books with mathematical content can be an effective way of introducing and developing mathematical concepts. Children's literature can provide a unique and meaningful way to engage students, connect with real life experiences, and promote opportunities for problem solving, discussion and communication.
Presenter: Sue Carter, Project Officer, CSER STEM Professional Learning Team, The University of Adelaide
This initiative is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and is part of the Maths in Schools: Teaching and Learning Resources to Support Mathematics project.
Hosted by: Nightcliff Primary School
Cunjevoi Crescent, Nightcliff NT 0810